Wednesday, February 8, 2012

St. Louis Art Show

Come to the St. Louis K-8 Art Show this month at the Louisville Library! Artwork from every student will be on display with a special reception on Thursday, Feb. 16 from 3-6PM with refreshments. The teachers, art volunteers, and students have done a fabulous job - don't miss it!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Epiphany Cakes

Each year at St. Louis to celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord, our priest Father Timothy Gaines helps the Kindergarteners bake Epiphany cakes. Each Kindergartener makes a cake to be delivered to a classroom. They start by cleaning the coin that will go into each cake. They use toothpaste to clean the coins – Kindergarteners think that’s funny! They each have a cake pan and add ingredients together with a little help from Father and their teacher, Ms. Kristen Oliver. After the cakes have been baked, the students frost and decorate them with sprinkles and candy treats. Then, three at a time, deliver their cakes to each classroom dressed as kings.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Advent Program

Last night was the K-3 Advent Program. The theme was the Jessie Tree and the students sang beautifully. They acted out all the different ornaments that hang on a Jessie Tree and even played instruments. It was a great show!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Breakfast with St. Nick!

For the Feast Day of St. Nicholas, student leadership elves pose with St. Nick and are ready to serve. Students in preschool through gr. 3 had breakfast and their picture with the jolly old fellow.

Monday, December 5, 2011

5th Graders Birthday/Gift Giving Party

5th graders, Libby and Gabe had a most unusual birthday party last week. They and all the 5th graders took a hay ride from the school down to the Louisville ice skating rink. All of their "presents" were donations for the annual school auction. What a great way to pay it forward!

Magazine Sale Grand Prize Winner!

Third grader, Danielle got a huge surprise when she won a gum ball machine almost as big as herself! Danielle's name was chosen as the Grand Prize Winner from those students who qualified in our fall fundraiser. Way to go!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Parties!

Many costumes filled the school yesterday for classroom Halloween parties! Much fun and treating was had by all.